Friday, August 22, 2008

SKINtimacy: Eczema and Self-Esteem

Dear InSKINcure,

One of the most important things an adolescent or adult can learn is how to love themselves. Everyone gets so caught up in learning how to please other people, or learning how to convince others to please them. We look at our own faults and try to find someone to complete us. 

Remember this: 
Women are attracted to confident men. 
Men are attracted to women who like themselves.

Thus, the most important thing a person with eczema or psoriasis can learn is how to be confident, liking, loving themselves.

Here are a few exercises for people suffering from eczema:

1. Look in the mirror everyday... no matter how crazy your skin is that day... and say affirmations.

"I love my skin, I love my life, I love myself"

"My skin is healing right now"

"Damn, I'm beautiful."

2. Set aside two hours each week for a "Beauty Date". Every week you are going to spend 2 hours doing something you absolutely love.
Cortisol, a crucial hormone in eczema-folk, is also a stress hormone. The more you can remove and regulate stress... the more control you have over healing your skin.

3.  Take care of your skin when it's perfect.
-- Many eczema-folk only take care of their skin once they have broken out
-- The best way to cure eczema is to prevent it

Hope this helps!

Lhea J.

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