Friday, August 22, 2008

Eczema Files: Cephalexin

Dear Eczema Survivors,

Many forms of eczema may evolve into contact dermatitis or contact eczema overtime. Regardless of what has actually triggered the reaction (food allergen, stress, etc.), the rash may grow due to ongoing infections on the surface of the skin.

Many doctors have begun to prescribe antibiotics such as Cephalexin to combat the infections that accompany and prolong the side effects of eczema.

Antibiotics are often prescribed along with an atopic steroid. However, patients may find that the antibiotic is strong enough to clear infected skin without the aid of a steroid or immunomodulator. 

The results are often noticeable within 24 hours time. Please take Cephalexin as prescribed. Taking the antibiotic in short bursts to offset minor outbreaks may build resistance within the immune system. And, eventually, the drug may be rendered useless.

Lhea J.

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