Dear Workers:
Many of America's most beautiful, appealing and friendly offices may be the eczema or psoriasis patient's worse nightmare: the open office.
Chronic eczema is not just a condition that affects the patient. It affects their family and each individual in their household as well as their coworkers and each individual in their vicinity at work.
If your eczema causes your skin to dry, flake and shed, you may want to take careful precautions in your workplace. Dead skin is a feasting ground for dust mites. Since one out of every ten people have a dust mite allergy, you may want to take extra precautions on behalf of your coworkers.
During the normal course of the year, be sure to clean the surface of your desk at the conclusion of every week. This includes the keys of computer keyboard you type at everyday.
During periods of extreme break out, during periods where your skin is shedding more profusely. Be considerate and clean your desk at the conclusion of everyday.
While working in an open office, the coworker I was adjacent to noticed that he contracted a sneeze every time he was at work. Actually, not in the office building itself, but specifically every time he was seated at our desk. In retrospect, I realize that he probably was suffering from a slight dust mite allergy.
Be careful while cleaning! Most household cleaners are harsh on the skin, and will cause contact dermatitis patients to break out as well.
Lhea J.
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