Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lhea's Secret Remedy: Olive Oil

Dear Beautiful People: 

Olive Oil appears to be a gift directly from God to Eczema sufferers. It is much thicker than most lotions and creates a protective outer layer to lock in your skin's natural moisture.

There are many ways to use olive oil to combat eczema.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil directly onto skin.
  • Olive Oil directly into bath water
  • Combine with Raw Oatmeal to create soap or a mask
After a severe breakout, olive oil may be the most soothing remedy. Please note, the use of olive oil will probably not reduce the presence of any rash. But, it may help the affected areas to itch less, and scractching less will help to not make matters worse. 

Olive Oil is best admistered on the body, may cause facial break out.

Repeated use of olive oil through out the day, often irritates my skin. I recommend use of olive oil once a day, and a thick moisturizer (Cera Ve or Cetaphil) for additional moisture through out the day. 

Lhea J.

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