Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Housekeeping: The Allergy Free Home

Dear Homebodies,

After battling with your boss and coworkers, dealing with your extended family, and bearing the brunt of everyday life, your home should be your haven. 

Your house, your apartment, should not be a battlefield. Unfortunately, for many with eczema their household becomes a battleground: allergens versus skin. And many American homes are not fit to fight the battle.

The number one enemy to an Allergy-Free home is dust mites. Please refer to Happy Housekeeping: The Battle Against Dust Mites.

Here are a few things that you can do to allergy-proof your home:
-----Maintain Indoor Temperature at 65 degrees or below. Heat causes your blood to dialate leading to an itching sensation.
-----Keep humidity below 50% to prevent mold growth. Purchase a dehumidifier. 
-----Use Air Conditioning. Open Windows invite pollen. Fans attract dust.
-----Consider filtering the air.
-----Don't allow smoking in your home.
-----Consider keeping pets outside, or at least out of the bedroom.
-----Beware of areas where mold can grow.

Until next time...

Lhea J.

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