Friday, August 22, 2008

Lhea's Secret Remedy: Oatmeal

Dear Beautiful, 

If Olive Oil is a gift from God, then Oatmeal is rain from heaven. It is one of the best natural defenses against eczema.

One gentle soap that is often recommended by Dermatologist is Aveeno Soap.  The bars are oatmeal based. The Aveeno line of products also offers an oatmeal - based bath product.

Each person with chronic eczema should have two routines in their arsenal: daily skin care for break out prevention and emergency care for break out reduction.

The routine for each person will be different, as everyone's skin and immune system responds differently.

For Daily Skin Care for Breakout Prevention:
Oatmeal can be used once a week in bath
Oatmeal can be used every other week as a facial mask

For Emergency Care for Breakout Reduction:
Oatmeal can be used daily as a facial mask
Oatmeal can be used with every bath or shower as a soap

Hope this helps!

Lhea J.

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