Excoriation -- The destruction or deterioration of the skin by mechanical means.
Does your beautiful skin suffer from excoriation? Has your eczema cause you to be your own worst enemy?
I have found that eczema gets in the way of my normal activities. Showering and getting dressed because a 2 hour activity enstead of a 30 minute daily action. Once the water evaporates from my skin, my body automatically goes into a itch-scratch-rash cycle that lasts for at least 30 minutes.
Working at the computer, reading a book or writing an essay seems like a harmless activity, right? I have found that when my mind is focused on an activity, often my fingers begin the itch-scratch-rash cycle without me consciously knowing it.
Since scratching is a reflex that you can do while you are sleeping, or while your mind is engaged in other activites... does that mean that excoriation is inevitable?
No. Not at all.
One simple thing may change your life. Changing the temperature. I have found that when I am am in cold environments (50 degrees or below), I am less prone to scratch consciously or subconsciously. So in the winter time, sometimes I keep a window open just to keep the breeze coming in.
Do you suffer from chronic itching, chronic scratching
Try keeping the house cool year round, and witness a miracle.
Lhea J.